Have you ever thought about the amount of resources that exist when working with the Flipped Classroom or Flipped Learning methodology?
Today we are going to look at one of them called EdPuzzle. EdPuzzle is a really useful tool with which you can combine technology and teaching in a very simple way. With it you can add questions to a video that you want your students to watch, so that students can do the theoretical work at home in a more interactive way, which will help them to internalise the concepts they are working on.
This type of learning and tools can be a new way of working on concepts in the classroom, and above all of involving our students in their own teaching-learning process, making their work autonomous in a fun and interesting way. However, we must bear in mind that in order to use it, students must have access to the Internet and work at home, which is not always going to be the case, especially with teenagers.
Here is an example of a quiz made with Edpuzzle to practise the past simple, I hope you like it!